Amphlett, H. Who Was Shakespeare?: A New Enquiry. London: William Heinemann, Ltd., 1955. De Vere is the answer.
Baron, Dennis. De Vere is Shakespeare. Cambridge: The Oleander Press, 1997.
Bethell, Tom, Gail Kern Paster, et al. “The Ghost of Shakespeare.” Harper’s Magazine April 1999: 35-62. Five Oxfordians and five Stratfordians make their cases.
Clark, Eva Turner. Hidden Allusions in Shakespeare’s Plays. 1931. 3rd ed. by Ruth Loyd Miller. Port Washington: Kennikat Press, 1974.
Delahoyde, Michael, ed. Anthony and Cleopatra. By William Shakespeare. The Oxfordian Shakespeare Series, 2015.
—. Twelfth Night. By William Shakespeare. The Oxfordian Shakespeare Series, 2021.
Green, Alan W. Bardcode: Sonnets Preview. The Sonnets title page reveals the geographical co-ordinates of the Great Pyramid.
—. Dee-Coding Shakespeare. Los Angeles: Shakespeare Publishing, 2011.
—. Gaia Network TV Series: Shakespeare Decoded.
—. The Real DaVinci Code.
Frontline: The Shakespeare Mystery.
Hernandez, Romel. “Scholar stands by theory of Shakespeare as a fraud.” The Seattle Times 4 April 1999: B4. Daniel Wright from Concordia University in Portland makes his Oxfordian claims.
Meredith, Regina. Gaia Network TV Series: Open Minds, with special guest Alan Green.
Michell, John. Who Wrote Shakespeare? London: Thames & Hudson Ltd., 1999. Takes pains to be absolutely fair, thorough, and objective about the authorship controversy.
Ogburn, Charlton. The Mysterious William Shakespeare: The Myth and the Reality. 2nd ed. McLean, VA: EPM Pub., 1992. Probably the most influential Oxfordian book currently.
Ogburn, Dorothy and Charlton Ogburn. This Star of England. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, Pub., 1952.
Price, Diana. Shakespeare’s Unorthodox Biography. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001. The most thorough case to date against the Stratford man as Shake-speare.
The Shakespeare Authorship Sourcebook. Contains J. Thomas Looney, “Shakespeare” Identified; Dorothy and Charleton Ogburn, This Star of England; and other resources.
The Shakespeare Conspiracy. Narr. Sir Derek Jacobi. TMW Media Group, Inc., 2000. 50 min.
Sobran, Joseph. Alias Shakespeare: Solving the Greatest Literary Mystery of All Time. New York: The Free Press, 1997.
Whalen, Richard F. Shakespeare: Who Was He? The Oxford Challenge to the Bard of Avon. Westport, CT: Praeger Pub., 1994.
Wright, Daniel. “Who Was Edward de Vere?” The Shakespeare Authorship Research Centre.
—. “William Shakespeare: ‘O, how that name befits my composition.’” The Shakespeare Authorship Research Centre.