The Shakespeare Foundation (TSF) respects the privacy concerns of users of our website. As a general rule, no personal information is automatically collected from users of the website. Personally identifiable data about users of the website is known to TSF only when voluntarily submitted by users of the site. However, certain non-personal information of users (for example, the type of browser being used, the operating system used by the user and the domain name of the user’s Internet service provider) may be collected. This information is primarily used for internal purposes, but only in an aggregate form (individual users cannot be identified). Personally identifiable information may be collected from users of the website when users voluntarily provide this information. All
such personal information is retained by TSF and is not sold or otherwise transferred by TSF unless the express consent to do so has been obtained or if TSF is required by law or by a court or governmental order to disclose such information in a particular circumstance. This information is used by TSF to better understand usage patterns and to enhance user enjoyment of the website. Aggregate information may be shared with advertisers; however, as is set forth more fully below, no data concerning users under the age of thirteen (13) is ever used. TSF sometimes uses e-mail addresses and other personally identifiable information to contact users who provide their e-mail addresses for specific purposes. Each communication will contain instructions on how to discontinue receipt of such communications.

Children under the age of thirteen (13) should not provide any personally identifiable information on this site without the knowledge and permission of his or her parent or guardian. In the event that TSF determines that a user of this site is under the age of thirteen (13), TSF will not maintain or use any personally identifiable information about such user without the consent of his or her parent or guardian, except as allowed by law. The result of the foregoing is that children under the age of thirteen (13) will be unable to participate in some activities on the site without parental consent. TSF may collect personally identifiable information directly from visitors on this site who may be under the age of thirteen (13). However, TSF does not collect this information without the knowledge of the visitor. 

All activities on this site are carried out in compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. Pursuant to the foregoing Act, TSF does not ask a child web site visitor to provide more personal information than is reasonably necessary to allow the child visitor to participate in an activity on this site. To further comply with the Act, any personally identifiable information collected from such a visitor is used only for the purpose of enabling the visitor’s participation in activities on this site. If, for example, TSF offers certain promotional items to users of the website, such as a promotional song, book or t-shirt, TSF requests that such interested party provide his or her name and mailing address in order to send the web site visitor the promotional item. The visitor’s email address is used only if we need to contact the visitor to verify name and mailing address. This information is not retained after the item has been delivered, and TSF does not use it for any other purpose. In the event that TSF conducts an Internet contest on this site, TSF asks each contestant to provide date of birth, as well as his or her name, address, and e-mail address. Information submitted in order to participate in a contest is not used for any other purpose. In some circumstances, TSF also asks child visitors to this site to provide TSF with his or her parent’s or guardian’s contact information so that TSF may contact the child visitor’s parent or guardian to notify them of TSF information practices with respect to children, to notify that person of a child’s participation on this site, and/or to seek the consent of the parent or guardian to such participation. The parent or guardian of any person under the age of thirteen (13) whose personal information has been collected on this site may ask to review that personal information and may, if they so choose, request that such information be deleted, and that no additional information be gathered by TSF.

For more information on how to request review of personal information and/or to request that TSF cease gathering such information, please contact Please note that no personal information collected on this site is shared with third parties other than a parent or guardian of a site visitor, except that information may be shared with those with whom TSF contracts in order to carry out the internal operations of the site (for example, to send a visitor a promotional item that he or she may have requested on the site). In particular, TSF does not rent or sell mailing lists of site visitors to any third party.

The method by which the foregoing information is gathered is known as “cookies.” TSF uses “cookies,” which are pieces of information that are transferred to an individual user’s hard drive for record-keeping purposes. Cookies do not contain any personally identifying information. Cookies function by saving your passwords and site preferences. As a result, it is possible to speed up a visitor’s future activities on the website and allow TSF to provide such visitor information specifically tailored to his or her interests. Such visitor may be able to set his or her browser to refuse cookies or to alert you when cookies are being sent. The website may contain links to websites other than the site. TSF is only responsible for its own privacy practices and the content of its site. TSF is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of any other websites.

By using the website, you signify your consent to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the terms of this policy, please do not use the website. TSF reserves the right, at their sole discretion, to change, modify, add/or remove portions of this policy at any time. Please check this page periodically for changes. Your continued use of the website following the posting of changes to these terms will mean that you accept those changes.

Please Note:

The use of any of the information, artwork, photographs or music contained herein is solely and entirely for home entertainment and educational purposes. Any and all other uses are strictly prohibited without the express written consent of TSF.

TSF does not assume any responsibility or liability for any communications or materials emailed to or posted to this site. In addition, TSF does not assume any liability for any claims, damages or losses resulting from any usage of this service or materials or other information that you have transmitted and you authorize TSF to use any and all materials and/or communications in any manner TSF would like and in any medium. TSF makes no warranties or representations with respect to the web sites for which hyperlinks are provided in the website. TSF is not responsible for the content contained in any such site. The hyperlinks provided in the website are in no way an endorsement of any linked websites or the contents contained therein.